30 October 2008

Images 33

I've had some work selected again for the next Images book compiled by the association of illustrators. Images 33 will be out summer '09 and is sure to be packed with visual delights as usual!

16 October 2008


The Travel badges - including my traveling rainbow design are now available from the Blanket online shop...

15 October 2008

Blanket Magazine

I have an illustration featured in issue 12 of Australian online art and design magazine - Blanket. The theme for this issue was travel and you can see my illustration below.
Visit their website to download a pdf of the full magazine. There will also be a set of badges available to buy soon with illustrations from this issue. My design will be included in the pack.
These should be available from their online shop

12 October 2008

Bobbin Bicycles Shop

Those lovely people over at Bobbin Bicycles have just opened their first shop in London near Angel tube. As well as selling their retro-style Dutch bikes and an array of cool accessories some of my illustrations are adorning their walls large scale! Watch out for the addition of a new character to help promote their new bike - the Electra.
The shop can be found at 19 Arlington Way, London, EC1 1UR and is open Tusday - Friday 11-7 and Saturday 11-6.
If you can't make it to London to visit the shop you can still visit their website at www.bobbinbicycles.co.uk

9 October 2008

Allan Deas for Airside

My 'WAR' print is now available to buy online from the Airside shop. The 100 x 70cm Giclee prints are on DaVinci fine art paper and a limited edition of 25. A great idea for a christmas present...well it is only 76 days away! Buy one now!